Parcel Sifter is our most advanced Machine Learning algorithm to categorise parcels.

Focus your time on the important tasks.

Parcel Sifter allows you to increase your accuracy of finding the parcels that require more attention, while the rest can be processed faster.

A representation of the efficiency that customs brokers gains while using Parcel Sifter
Without Sifty, we need to inspect each parcel manually. Any delays make the bottleneck grow exponentially.

With Sifty, we can reduce our processing time by up to 50% and its powerful A.I. helps us detect all regulated merchandise fast.

Wendy Paola Pérez Lagunas

Customs clerk

A Game Changer

Increase your accuracy by 70%

We help you optimise your workflow with AI and the system continues improving over time.

Sifty frees up your employee operations time and empowers your people to win new business and deliver amazing customer service.

Classifying parcels is the most time consuming activity of international e-commerce
Using Sifty's Machine Learning engine increases productivity
Machine Learning Intelligence

Finding patterns in data

Our ML software can find patterns in millions of past transactions to deliver a risk prediction in seconds.

When a physical inspection is conducted, reduce your average inspection time from 60 to 10 seconds per parcel.

Ease of integration

Enhance existing workflows

Sifty aligns with your current data ecosystem to facilitate collaboration with all stakeholders and deliver seamless processing of your customers goods at the border.

Sistemas CASA is a software provider for customs brokers in Mexico
Synergysoft is a software provider for customs brokers in Colombia
Bytemaster is a software provider for customs brokers in Spain
We scale with you

Our pricing is based on scalable transaction costs.

Our pricing is aligned with industry standards and fees are charged on a scalable transaction basis.

We offer a fully customisable enterprise package configured to our partner's needs with API controls, privacy, security and support built for enterprise teams.

Sifty's pricing adjusts to your own costs, per transaction. As your business grows, our price decreases.

Sifty receives an InnovateUK Smart Grant

Our innovative software has been selected to receive a prestigious InnovateUK award with government backed grant.

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